Leisa Clark

Leisa is a Graphic and Web Designer (Retrohex) and has taken up Impressionism painting with Acrylics as a way to express her creativity with physical mediums.

She loves to capture “Nostalgia” in her work and gravitates to painting streetscapes, buildings, and scenes that evoke memories and feelings of nostalgia.

You can contact and find out more about Leisa via her website. You can also follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok.

Artist Statement

I have been navigating my way to creativity from a very young age applying to study visual arts at uni. Encouraged to get a real job I didn’t follow that dream, instead studied Nursing/Midwifery working in the industry for 12 years. After a back injury, having my son, and then battling major depression, I realised I was living a life chosen by others, not the life I truly desired.

I began discovering my creativity again with handmade crafts and teaching myself graphic and web design. Joining a local art group ‘Back Road Artists’ and attending acrylic and impressionism workshops I have now begun learning art once again.

I love Impressionism and Expressionism and really love painting with Acrylics. I am moving into painting on large canvases due to the movement and how much impact they can have. I hope I can bring joy and feelings of nostalgia into people’s lives through my artwork.

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