Krissy Bange

Krissy has a strong Love for her garden, fashion, and her art. Using a selection of mixed media, Acrylics, Charcoal, Watercolour and recently finding the skill in Colour Pencils. She has enjoyed attending 3 McGregor Summer Schools at USQ, with more to come.
Krissy has recently finished a Watercolour course with the Talented Bruce Griffiths at Toowoomba TAS. Also a variety of On line courses.
Krissy finds this all very exciting and is looking forward to the opportunity of enhancing her skills, her own unique style is incorporating vibrant, happy colours into her future works, drawing inspiration from her beautiful garden and country views from her Mt Molar Farm.

You can contact Krissy via email.

Artist Statement
I have always had a love of drawing, colour and style, from an early age. Dad used to sit and teaching me how to draw and colour birds and other favourite animals he liked. Always looking at the anatomy of the animal and getting right. He also had a very neat handwriting skill, something that seems to be a lost skill with computers now a days.
My Mother used to be a dressmaker, as kids we watched her make many special dresses for Brides, Bridesmaids, Flower girls, and women’s evening gowns.
Hence where my love of fashion and Art, has come from.
I love creating beautiful, colourful paintings that appeal to me. There is nothing more exciting when someone praises your works and you see the joy and excitement it also brings to them. Painting pictures of our lovely open Landscapes from our wonderful country we are so fortunate to live in.
I want to keep learning and growing this wonderful skill for many years to come, with the likeminded people I have the pleasure in calling my friends in our lovely group of togetherness.
Krissy Bange

Krissy Bange

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